Faith Transitions
If you or a family member is considering or has decided to leave the LDS faith, it can come with emotional pain, relationship conflicts, and feelings of grief. I work with individuals and couples who have experienced a shift in their religious beliefs.
I help
“Mixed-Faith” couples, where one partner has decided to leave the church, the marriage, or both, to slow down. Many see faith transitions as an emergency with rash decisions being made too quickly. By taking time to examine what has changed, what can stay the same, and what their common values and goals are moving forward, couples can make wise decisions about what they want next in life.
I help
believing members to adjust and maintain loving relationships with those who have left the church. I help them process their grief and worries. Then we can talk about actions that may help or hurt their relationships moving forward.
I help
those who have left the church to navigate a new world. We can talk about;
· What "broke your shelf" that led to your leaving
· Processing feelings of anger
· What life you would like moving forward
· Who to tell and how much to tell
· How to have new boundaries and still have healthy relationships with friends and family members
· Anything else you want to talk about or explore.
You can feel peace and happiness. I can help.