About Joanne Manning

Hi! I’m Joanne Manning. I love guiding people towards positive changes and witnessing them achieve more fulfilling lives. The most rewarding thing about being a therapist is seeing a person walk away lighter, freer, and excited about their life. Helping people through therapy gives my life meaning.

I love working with women and couples who are current or former members of the LDS faith. I have found my therapeutic approach works well with clients who have been connected in some way to the LDS faith. They feel free to talk about issues without having to explain the belief and culture that are connected with it and make great progress. If you are an active member of the LDS faith, we will work to address challenges with respect for your beliefs. If you or your partner are questioning or are leaving/have left the LDS faith, I am well informed on the issues that accompany faith transitions. I provide therapy as a mental health professional and relationship expert, not from an ecclesiastical perspective.

Experience & Education

I have had my own experiences with family expectations, social, and religious pressure. I struggled with living up to others’ expectations for me and for a perfect family. No matter how hard I tried, I found I couldn’t control my family members. As I learned to distinguish what I could change from what was out of my control, I found new possibilities for peace and harmony with myself and with my family members. You may feel a sense of hopelessness if the plans you had for your family or your marriage aren’t coming true. I’ve been there and I can help you.

I received a Bachelor of Science from BYU in Special Education in 1994. I received my Master’s Degree from UNLV in Educational Psychology in 2005. I returned to UNLV for my post-grad work in Marriage and Family Therapy. I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for the State of Nevada.

Let’s Discover How I Can Help

Start feeling like yourself again. Schedule your first appointment to share what’s going on and we will explore how I can help. 


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